Week 25


Best Moment: The nursery furniture has arrived! We had originally planned to order it from a local furniture store and expected to wait 6-8 weeks for delivery. But … Nick did a fair amount of research and stumbled upon an online retailer that offered a discounted price for ordering a crib + a dresser, and we only had to wait 4 days for delivery! Seriously. I love having a husband who obsessively compares products and prices before making big purchases. We did, however, order the glider from the local store — and it may be the most comfortable chair I have ever sat in. Good thing because I suspect I’ll be spending a lot of time in it.

So now you must wait for more details … Because the furniture will remain in our garage until my dad is able to help Nick move it upstairs and assemble it. Stay tuned!

Symptoms: Still feeling full of energy! Despite waking up at 4:45am twice this week to host kid’s pledge at my station. Several times during my pitches, I acknowledged my growing belly and said I can’t wait to introduce our Peanut to PBS KIDS. I wasn’t kidding, either.

Cravings/Aversions: I’ve always been a big fan of cereal. In fact, my morning bowl is often twice as big as Nick’s. Lately, though, I think I could eat cereal for every meal. And while I don’t, I usually do have a big bowl in the morning and another before bed. Current favorites include: Cinnamon Cheerios, Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds (plus strawberries), and Kashi Vanilla Island (plus blueberries).

What I Miss: Remember when I said I missed the sun and the summer heat? Well, slow down, Mother Nature. No need to jump from 70 degrees to 90 degrees overnight.

What I Can’t Wait For: We shuffled around a lot of stuff this week. Nick’s desk (not to mention his commercial grade printer) is now in the corner of our bedroom. We moved shelves and boxes of books and a sewing machine into the garage. We made room in our closet for my crafts and Nick’s office files. And we took piles of clothes to Goodwill. Why? Because we have a two-bedroom townhouse and a baby on the way! I can’t wait for it all to come together.

Milestones: Apparently, my uterus is now the size of a soccer ball. And Peanut is fast approaching 2 lbs. Fortunately, Nick told me this week that I still don’t look pregnant from behind. Thank you, dear sweet husband!


Best Moment: Seeing my Emily on TV — she never ceases to amaze me.

Symptoms: Procrastination. Truth be told, the reason this blog post is a week late is because of me. Oops.

Cravings/Aversions: ‘Tis the season for strawberries! And it’s a short one this year. Emily asks me on a daily basis to pick up more berries from the local farm stand. Seriously, she’s gone berry loco.

What I Can’t Wait For: We’re under the 100 days to go mark — I can’t wait for the official start of the third trimester. Our little womb squatter is going to be here before we know it. Tempis fugit.

Milestones: Aside from packing on the pounds, Peanut is still doing a bit of fine-tuning. The structures of the spine (all 33 rings, 150 joints, and 1000 ligaments) are still forming, and the neurons in the brain continue to form connections at a rapid pace.

8 thoughts on “Week 25

  1. You look fabulous! Pregnancy suits you! How exciting to have your nursery furniture. I bet you can’t wait to get it set up. And I am right there with you on the cereal. Giant bowls at any hour make me so happy! I love HBOO w/ Almonds and Cinnamon Cheerios too! In fact, my go-to bowl right now is a mix of HBOO w/ A and either Cinnamon Cheerios or MultiGrain Cheerios. Yum!

  2. PBS was one of the only stations my brother and I were allowed to watch as kids. I’m looking forward to intoducing PBS Kids to my little boy. I can’t wait to see the nursery furniture you choose!

  3. Emily, you should have posted the video so we could listen to the show. I happened upon a transcript for the show so thought I would post it for everyone. Now if you show doesn’t work and you still need suggestions let me know and I’m sure I can come up with some…

    “Hi everyone and welcome to our Pick a Name Telethon. You may have thought I put one of those balloons behind me under my dress but actually Mr. Wiley and I are expecting a baby. You should ask your Mommy and Daddy about how babies are made. We have been trying to think of a name for our little vegetable and just can’t decide on one so I thought why not get all my friends out there in TV land to help come up with the best name. So I need your help Peanut Butter Sandwich Kids and while we are at it we can raise some money for our Public television station. So get on those phones and call in with your name suggestions and your pledge. For a pledge of $50 you can suggest a middle name, for a pledge of $125 you can suggest a first name, and for $175 you can suggest a first and middle name combination. If you want to make your pledge online you can visit our Will Peanut Stay Unnamed website at WPSU.org and click on the vegetable of the week icon. Right now the leading boy names our Peanut Butter Sandwich Kids have suggested are Cole, Logan, and Dakota keep calling with your suggestions and pledges. Remember for your $50 pledge if we pick your suggested middle name we’ll send you a pack of vegetable seeds , with your $125 pledge if we pick your suggested middle name we’ll send the vegetable seeds and our Back Yard Gardeners DVD, and for your $175 pledge if we pick your suggested combination we’ll send the seeds, DVD and Seed Starter Kit….”

  4. I got the “you don’t look pregnant from behind” comment from a coworker later on in my pregnancy, and it seriously made my life. GOOD JOB to your husband! But you look way more fabulous than I ever did!

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