Letter to Evelyn: Two Years
Dear Evelyn, You are TWO! Though you like to say “three” when we ask you. You have grown tremendously this past year. From crawling to... Read more
Dear Evelyn, You are TWO! Though you like to say “three” when we ask you. You have grown tremendously this past year. From crawling to... Read more
Our Evelyn Claire, You are ONE! We can’t remember our lives before you, and we can’t imagine our lives without you. Your sweet smiles, squeals,... Read more
Dear Evelyn, I suppose that I should start to say “almost one” when someone asks your age. But how is that possible? Weren’t you just... Read more
Dear Sweet Evie, I have had these photos on my camera and my phone full of notes since you turned ten months old almost two... Read more
Dear Evie, Nine months old and fast approaching ten. At least I’m consistent with the belated monthly posts! It has become increasingly more difficult to... Read more
Dear Evelyn, I have several excuses for this month’s belated letter: your constant runny red nose, gray days that do not lend themselves to pretty... Read more
Dear Evie, Every stage has its fun moments, but seven months is full of so many favorites! You are mobile and vocal. You are curious... Read more
Dear Evelyn, Happy half birthday, sweet pea! Every day you feel a little bit bigger, you squeal a little bit louder, and you squeeze our... Read more
Dear Evelyn, You are five months old and sweet as can be. You have so much expression in those big blue eyes, and your gummy... Read more
Dear Evelyn, I took your photos on the day that you turned four months old. But it has taken me almost three weeks to write... Read more