Week 15


Best Moment: This week, we (as in the parents) got a gift from Aunt Kirsten: a frame to display Peanut’s first sonogram photo. It says: “It is truly amazing how someone so small could inspire a love so grand.” True words. And, of course, Peanut got a gift, too — from Aunt Megan. When she visited with our nephews on Friday night, she brought the JMU t-shirt that Nick gave to Sean when he was born (almost 10 years ago) and the Penn State onesies that we gave to Jackson when he was born (just over 3 years ago). Our kid really has no choice but to support our alma maters!

I’m also thrilled to finally have a pair of maternity jeans that I love: full panel sexy boot cut jeans from Gap. They’re comfortable and flattering, and I may have worn them three times since they arrived on Friday.

Symptoms: I continued to experience tail bone discomfort this week. And it’s definitely related to sitting at my desk all day because it subsides noticeably in the evening. I also had a slight stuffy nose and occasional headache over the past few days. Originally I thought I was catching a cold, but it may actually have something to do with Peanut. The symptom even has a name: “rhinitis of pregnancy.” Who knew.

Cravings/Aversions: I used to love to chew sweet peppermint Stride gum, but I no longer like its sugary sweetness. Of course, that doesn’t explain last week’s obsession with Swedish fish.

What I Miss: This has nothing to do with being pregnant, but I miss the sun. It’s been cold and gray here in central Pennsylvania, and I am so ready for spring weather. I’m anxious to plant our front porch herb garden. And hear Little League games at the park behind our house. And wear sandals and dresses and ponytails.

What I Can’t Wait For: I may have felt my first flutter of movement. It happened on my commute home from work on Wednesday. But as quickly as I noticed it, it disappeared. I can’t wait to feel (and be able to identify) the real thing. I’m also looking forward to hearing Peanut’s heartbeat again at our appointment this Friday!

Milestones: Peanut is now the size of an apple and can sense light. And although there’s nothing for he/she to taste yet, taste buds are forming. (We’ll put them to good use some day!)


Best Moment: Hanging out with our nephews, Sean and Jackson! Admittedly, though, I was exhausted after only an hour with them. Not even the Xbox Kinect could tire them out. Good heavens, I’m going to be in for it come September.

Symptoms: Addiction. See below.

Cravings/Aversions: I swear Swedish fish have an addictive chemical in them. I must have eaten a whole school of those darn fish.

What I Miss: Traveling. We’ve had four weekends at home, which is a record, I think. I kind of miss heading somewhere or visiting someone. Who wants to host The Culinary Couple + Peanut???

What I Can’t Wait For: Everybody says that time flies during pregnancy, but my experience has been quite the opposite. Perhaps I’m too anticipatory of all the fun to come. I can’t wait for another big milestone like our 4-D ultrasound or Peanut’s first kick.

Milestones: Our little Gala apple is starting to form taste buds this week. I hope this little one doesn’t turn out to be a picky eater, that might create a dilemma with this Culinary Couple.

8 thoughts on “Week 15

  1. Hey Emily…you’re reminding me of the old Ben and Jerry’s flavor…Chunky Monkey! Looking good, buddy, and you know I love you!

    Nick…the picky eater thing is, like much of what your child will become, entirely up to you. Don’t sweat it, man. I can explain over beers sometime!

  2. You know we would host you in a heartbeat. Just hop across that big pond. You don’t even have to bake over here, Nick (even though I know you enjoy it), we can just go to one of our bakeries. Emily, you look great!

  3. I love reading these posts, your happiness is infectious and makes this gray day sunnier!
    Nick, swedish fish are the best candies on the planet, I totally concur. 🙂

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