Week 18


Best Moment: I’m now convinced that the flutters I felt last week were because of Peanut. I feel them at least once a day now — usually when I’m driving home from work with the radio playing. Hopefully Peanut will appreciate NPR some day, but it’s Katy Perry and Taio Cruz that really get he/she excited now.

Symptoms: I caught a cold this week. Which, apparently, could be related to pregnancy, but I believe it was just a regular old cold. I was sneezing and sniffling for four days straight.

Cravings/Aversions: Pregnant women should not consume sushi made with raw fish, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have sushi made with cucumbers, asparagus, carrots, and avocado! And that’s exactly what we had on Saturday night. Thanks to our friends, Casey and Rachael, for hosting our monthly dinner club, and for teaching us how to roll sushi. Craving satisfied!

What I Miss: The beach. My best friend went to Mexico this week, so did my mother-in-law and sister-in-law. Makes me nostalgic for our honeymoon at El Dorado Maroma. Nick promises that we will go back some day.

What I Can’t Wait For: Speaking of traveling, I’m very excited for our upcoming trips to Michigan and Massachusetts. Some of our family and friends have still not seen the baby bump, and I know Peanut is ready for some rubs!

Milestones: Since last week, Peanut grew about 1/2 inch and gained about 2 oz. That puts he/she at 5 1/2 inches and 7 oz. I was 7 lbs 7 oz at birth, so we have roughly 7 more pounds to go!


Before I begin… check out that bump above! My Emmie is looking ravishing.

Symptoms: Last week I ran out of my daily multivitamin. Emily, on the other hand, has five different kinds of prenatal vitamins. You can see where this is going… I’ve been taking prenatal vitamins all week. And I swear my nails are growing faster. Perhaps this is due to the hormone changes (see last week’s blog), but either way it’s great. 

Cravings/Aversions: Recently, I’ve been trying to cut red meat out of my diet… and I’m craving barbeque ribs or a bacon cheeseburger. One of these cravings will be satisfied in the next 24 hours, I guarantee it.

What I Miss: As good as that veggie sushi was, it made me miss real sushi.

What I Can’t Wait For: To feel the baby kicking and dancing around in there.

Milestones: Peanut is about the size of a large bell pepper and is starting to grow the vernix caseosa. This is a coating that protects its delicate skin and prevents it from pruning in the bath of amniotic fluid.

3 thoughts on “Week 18

  1. I’m a little confused. All this talk about fruits, vegetables and nuts it sounds like you are describing one of those salads you get in a fancy restaurant instead of a little human! Now I know you are an intelligent young couple (although Nick’s pose for Runners World does make that a questionable statement) so I’m sure you do know that this little human is developing skin, bones, and muscle so more appropriate references would be to cuts of meat (the nuts reference might be appropo at some point). Now let me think, 5 1/2 inches and 7oz sounds like a nice petit filet mignon which at this point is very rare and will need significantly more time in the “oven” until it is just right (warm and pink inside). I’ll have to keep checking back on occasion and make sure your updates are accurate :o)

    Love ya!!

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