Letter to Samuel: 6 Months
Dear Sam, Happy half birthday, buddy! Sometimes it seems like just yesterday that I held you in my arms for the very first time. Daddy... Read more
Dear Sam, Happy half birthday, buddy! Sometimes it seems like just yesterday that I held you in my arms for the very first time. Daddy... Read more
Dear Samuel, You are five months old! And this past month was quite an eventful one. It seems like you reach a new developmental milestone... Read more
Dear Sam, “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray.” And there have been quite a few gray... Read more
Dearest Sammy Boy, You turned three months old on Christmas Day! I believe that we have learned as much about you as you have learned... Read more
Dear Samuel, You are two months old! And you get cuter and sweeter by the day. Already you have grown from a fragile infant into... Read more
Dear Sweet Samuel, One month ago, you came into this world, and Mommy and Daddy fell instantly and completely in love. We are still sometimes... Read more
HER PERSPECTIVES Best Moments: All of the essential items have been checked off our to do list. The clothes are washed. The diapers are stacked.... Read more
HER PERSPECTIVE Best Moment: Road trip week! We covered close to 1,700 miles and 8 states in 9 days. I also celebrated my 29th birthday.... Read more