Friday Favorites: Postpartum

Attempting a new weekly series here on the blog. Though it’s not totally new. See previous favorite finds posts: birds, basic blacks, for the home, and pregnancy.

Every woman knows she must take good care of herself while pregnant. Take your vitamins. Exercise. Eat your vegetables and drink lots of water. Brush your teeth. Visit your doctor regularly. Sleep. And then baby arrives and you become totally consumed by that sweet little being that you created. But it’s important not to forget about yourself. A healthy momma equals a happy baby.

Here are a few things that helped me through the crucial postpartum period.

First, take as much as you can from the hospital. In fact, bring an extra bag to fill with diapers and wipes for baby, as well as pads, mesh underwear, and cleansing products for you. I promise you that the nurses won’t mind. I even asked to bring home the donut seat cushion, and they happily obliged.

Stock your medicine cabinet with a few staples before you return home. Ibuprofen, Tucks, and Miralax are a good start.

And if you’re planning to breastfeed, I highly recommend natural nipple butter and soothies gel pads. I still use both eight weeks later.

You will really appreciate a well stocked freezer. So plan ahead, if possible. Some of our favorite freezer meals include: lasagna, chicken corn soup, and turkey burgers. Also cookies. Always have cookie dough in the freezer to quickly satisfy cravings.

When you’re ready — which may not be for a few weeks — check out resources like The Happiest Baby on the Block and Moms on Call. But only when you’re ready.

Finally, a supportive partner is essential. Someone to bring you water while you’re nursing and hold the baby so you can nap and rub your feet at the end of the day.

Do you have anything to add to the list?

{All photos credit to Daydreamer Portraits}

6 thoughts on “Friday Favorites: Postpartum

    1. I stockpiled this type of stuff before I got pregnant, too 🙂

      I started walking right away, but I didn’t do anything more strenuous until six weeks postpartum (which was just two weeks ago). So far I’ve been running 3-4 times/week, 2-3 miles at a time. And I do lots of ab exercises. For me, that’s where I still seem to be most “squishy.” I’ve also been trying to do the shred ( while Sam naps. Sometimes I get through the full workout, sometimes I don’t.

      I easily dropped 20 lbs within the first two weeks after Sam was born. But that last 10 lbs I’m going to have to work for! As of now, I have about 8 lbs to go. I’m not necessarily concerned about getting back to my pre-preggo wait; I just don’t want to have to buy new pants!

  1. I’d also make sure to have reading material at any of your nursing stations. I’m amazed how many books and magazines I’ve gone through. As for exercise, I need to get back to being better, but my biggest tip was that I did planks during tummy time. It helped tighten my core, and put me face-to-face with my son, which made him tolerate it a bit better.

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