Dear Evie Girl,
Three months is every bit as magical as I remember. You are awake and alert for longer stretches of time. You turn your head to our voices, make eye contact, and talk in excited coos and gurgles. You suck your hands and grab your feet and reach for toys. You use your legs to push against our laps and bounce up and down. And you react to our smiles with gummy grins of your own — the kind that light up your entire round face.
Milestones this month include rolling over from belly to back and sitting in the Bumbo. In fact, you much prefer the Bumbo to tummy time. You have nearly outgrown our beloved bouncy seat, unless you are in a deep sleep. You still love your high chair, although you often end up in my lap during mealtime. You don’t mind the car seat, unless the car stops moving. The Ergo is much more comfortable now that your head is stronger and your legs are long enough to stick out the bottom. Diaper changes have already become challenging — you kick your feet and try so hard to roll off the table.
Nobody makes you smile like your siblings — except maybe a ceiling fan. You watch Sam and Nora so intently, and we’re all anxious for the day when you laugh out loud at their silliness. They are still completely in love with you, always fighting for your attention and your affection.
Speaking of fighting for attention, you have learned that you need to be loud to be heard in this house. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
You love to sing with Daddy and stick out your tongue when he sticks out his. Most of your Daddy bonding time happens at night after the big kids go to bed.
You also had lots of bonding time this month with Nini and Poppy. Mommy left you for several long stretches of time during a weekend of wedding festivities. You drank from the bottle like a champ and took a few long naps in Poppy’s arms.
You are still waking 2-3 times each night to nurse — around midnight (before I go to bed) and again around 3am and 5am. Then you’re up for the day by 8am. I feed you on demand throughout the day. Your typical routine is sleep, eat, play, repeat. I have learned the perfect combination of cradling, bouncing, and patting your bottom to help you fall asleep. Though most of your naps still occur in my arms, in the bouncy seat, or while we’re out and about. Once the big kids return to school, I’ll start the transition to more predictable naps — hopefully in your crib.
I suspect you weigh about 12 pounds, and you have outgrown the length in most of your 3-month clothing. I pulled out as much as I could from Nora’s 6- to 12-month bin — though the seasons are complete opposites. So I also stocked up on cute fall and winter clothes just for you during a big sale at Carter’s. Still looking for the perfect pair of moccasins, though!
You average about four bibs per day, several burp cloths, and at least two shirts. I also usually require a wardrobe change. You are constantly blowing saliva bubbles and spit up a lot more than Sam and Nora did. Oh, well. I know it’s just a phase.
You still remind me so much of Sam at this age. Though your eyes are big and blue just like Nora’s. Nora loves to read books to you and sing lullabyes. And Sam wants to hold your hand every minute of every day.
You finally got to meet your namesake this month: Great Grandma Evelyn Martin. It was really special! And she gifted you a pretty painting by Pat Buckley Moss called “Evelyn.”
I look forward to your sweet smiles every morning — no matter how often you woke me the night before. You remind me to slow down: to rock you to sleep even if there are dishes to wash and laundry to fold; to lay beside you when you’re playing and talk to you even when the big kids are running laps around the house; and to you to hold you just a little bit longer when you won’t let go of my shirt. Evelyn, we are all so lucky to have you in our lives. Love you, little lady!
We are all so lucky to have you in our lives. You brighten our days and remind us to slow down.