Bumpdate: Weeks 12-18

Poor baby #2. Just because I haven’t blogged bumpdates every week since you were conceived does not mean that we are any less excited to meet you. It just means that your big brother occupies so much of my energy that I don’t have as much time to detail the symptoms and milestones. But believe me, I memorize every movement and every emotion.


So far you have been very kind to me — just like Sam. I have experienced no nausea, no significant discomfort, no intense cravings. (Except for that random Monday at midnight when I craved spaghetti and meatballs. Luckily, your daddy made me a homemade batch the next night for dinner!) I have had just a few minor tension headaches, and sleep has only recently become difficult. I wake up at least once — sometimes three times — to use the bathroom, and often have a hard time falling back asleep. I believe it’s soon time to resurrect the snoogle! Of course, I have had no trouble sleeping during the day. Though I’m happy to report that by week 14, I was able to make it through an entire day without napping.

I “popped” much sooner this time around, but my weight gain is right on track, so I’m not worried. I’ve been wearing maternity pants for weeks already, and I have finally retired almost all non-maternity shirts.


I felt your first flutter kicks at week 16 — about 2 weeks earlier than I felt Sam. I most often feel your movements at night while laying in bed, and I can’t wait for your daddy and brother to feel them, too.

Speaking of your brother, he is already so in love with you. He talks about “baby” all the time and likes to pat my belly. Sometimes he takes socks or stuffed animals over to your room and tells me they’re for “baby.” I already know the two of you will be the best of friends.

The definite highlight thus far was our 18-week ultrasound. Sam played protective big brother and didn’t want the tech to touch my belly. But eventually he jumped into Daddy’s arms to watch the “show.” And you were quite cooperative!


You proudly showed your perfect spine and the four chambers of your heart. You wiggled your ten toes and waved your ten fingers. You reacted to Sam’s singing by moving your own tiny mouth. And, after about 25 minutes, you showed your face. It was in that moment that I fell instantly in love.


I had forgotten how defined your features would be at just 18 weeks. And it was no less thrilling this time than it was the first time. Yes, we are anxious to know whether you will be a boy bean or a girl bean, but it truly does not matter. You are happy and healthy, and we can’t wait for you to join our family.

Love you already, little one!

One thought on “Bumpdate: Weeks 12-18

  1. So happy to see that your pregnancy is going well, Emily! Those ultrasound photos are awesome! Looks like Baby is smiling 🙂
    Let me know if you are interested in having a childbirth doula–I would be glad to give you info on the services I offer.

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