When the Boy is Sick

I know we are lucky. Aside from a runny nose here and a cough there, Sam has been almost entirely healthy since the day he was born. No ear infections, no fevers, no flu. I’ve heard the horror stories from other mommas, and I am grateful for Sam’s strong immune system.

But he was bound to go down eventually.


I had barely unpacked my suitcase after our weekend away, when the sad and sick whines began. It must be awfully hard to be a toddler who can’t communicate exactly where it hurts. And so there have been a lot of tears, a lot of extra snuggling and rocking, a lot of Sesame Street. Meals in my lap or on the couch under a blanket. Icepops in the morning and milkshakes in the afternoon.


And finally, today, a trip to the pediatrician. Poor kiddo has his very first fever, though the doctor was unable to trace it to any infection. Just a bad cold, I guess? But, oh, this is bad enough. Nothing worse for a mommy heart than to see her son sick.

Needless to say, we are both very anxious for Daddy to come home tomorrow.

3 thoughts on “When the Boy is Sick

  1. Poor kiddo! (That picture on the top right is most definitely heart-breaking!) Milkshakes and mac and cheese on the couch would make me feel better, too. Hope he gets over the fever soon!

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