My sister’s boyfriend (who is practically part of our family) was sweet enough to record video throughout our Wedding Day. I had no idea he would put so much time and creativity into it!
This first clip captures all of us gingerly walking down the slippery stairs. Please pay special attention to the following:
- The flash of red umbrella in the top right corner as Nick is walking his parents down the stairs. That’s me and my Dad!
- My stumble! Yes, I stumbled. And it’s so appropriate. (I fell walking up the stairs at the Pennsylvania State Capitol on my second date with Nick.) I think I missed a step when I was close enough for my eyes to focus on Nick’s. Fortunately, I had my Dad to lean on.
Susan Savia provided the perfect music accompanient to our procession. Unfortunately, due to the rain, she had to play under the canopy of the tent, and so it was difficult to hear her from the top of the stairs. The camera didn’t capture much of the music, so I added the tracks separately.
- Nick and the Groomsmen: Here Comes the Sun
- Bridesmaids: ‘Twas a Day (Susan Savia original)
- Bride and her Father: Pachelbel Canon in D
Next: Ceremony Details
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