Bumpdate: Weeks 31-35

Ho, ho, ho! Hello, December! This could be your birth month, baby girl. Unless you follow in big brother’s foot steps and choose to arrive fashionably late. But please know that Momma won’t mind one bit if you decide to make an early appearance.

We still need to assemble the crib and wash your clothes, and I have about a dozen nursery craft projects to complete. But I would still welcome an early arrival!


I have said this about a billion times already, but this pregnancy has felt so different than my last. I have no time to kick up my feet during the day — or at the end of it. I’m not able to walk every evening due to a toddler who refuses to sit in his stroller and a pup who constantly pulls at her leash. I’m typically in charge of all meals since Nick has such a busy work/school schedule. And all day, every day, I have to respond to requests to “play choo choo” and “drive that car” and “polar bear down slide.”

But also? It totally melts my heart to watch Sam “play” with you and call you by name and tell everyone that he helped to paint your nursery “pur-kle.”


Mostly, I just feel bigger this time. I’m up about 30 pounds at 35 weeks, according to the scale at the doctor’s office. (And this is after removing my heavy boots at my 32-week appointment — to which I’m pretty certain the nurse snickered). I gained a total of 36 pounds with Sam, so I suppose I’m on track. But I feel rounder and wider and, recently, much lower.


Symptoms include heartburn, pain in my lower back, shortness of breath, and a bloody nose. All common, but all uncomfortable, nonetheless. Sleeping has become more challenging, and I’m up at least three times to use the bathroom. During our recent Thanksgiving trip, Sam caught a cold and insisted he sleep in bed with us rather than on his toddler-size air mattress. Did I mention that we were in a double bed? And that both Sam and Nick chose to sleep on their backs? This left very little room for Momma and her big belly. It was a rough couple of nights. But I was rewarded with a trip to the Hershey Spa. Needless to say, that massage was the best I’ve ever had!

And then, just days later, we saw this sweet cherub face, and all felt right in the world!


You cooperated for our little third trimester “photo shoot,” and we were thrilled to see those chubby cheeks and the same pudgy nose that your brother has. You smiled and waved and showed off those fierce gymnastics moves that I’ve been feeling for the past few weeks. Also, you are measuring one week ahead of schedule! Head down, fluid levels are in check, and you weigh 6ish pounds (give or take 15 ounces). My Momma instinct says you will be in our arms before January 8th, but we shall see!

Love you so much already, baby girl. We can’t wait to meet you!

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