Busy Toddlers: Pipe Cleaners + Colander

If you have a toddler and you’ve been trapped inside this month due to below freezing temperatures, then I believe you’ll appreciate this new blog series. Every Thursday, I will share with you a new Busy Toddlers activity. Whether inspired by Pinterest or our own pantry or the bin of ignored toys on Sam’s shelf, I’ll post an idea to keep your tot busy for … well, at least five minutes. And we all know how rare and wonderful five minutes of quiet can be!

(I also want to hear your ideas, so please consider linking up below.)

First up: an activity I’m sure you’ve seen before and uses items you likely have in your home.

busy toddler: pipe cleaners + colander

Pull a colander out of your cupboard and and sit it beside a bunch of colorful pipe cleaners. I bet your kiddo will figure out what to do before you even show him.


This is simple and cheap and gives your toddler an opportunity to practice his fine motor skills. If he’s older, you can also practice colors.


Alright, your turn! Tell me what you’re doing to keep your toddler busy and out of trouble. It’s easy — just hit “click here to enter” below. If you don’t have a blog, share your suggestion in the comment section.

And come back next week for another fun idea!

7 thoughts on “Busy Toddlers: Pipe Cleaners + Colander

  1. Love this idea! I know Lila isn’t at busy toddler stage yet, but she’s getting there!! We bought a bunch of bounce-house balls at Target on clearance the other day, and she has been LOVING chasing them around the house. Of course, now our house has balls EVERYWHERE, but it was worth it during 7 straight days of rain!

  2. Em, love the pipe cleaner idea! I think K (4 years old) and L (2 years old) would have fun doing this. K would probably turn it into some type of pattern. Another inexpensive idea is magnetic pom pom pictures. You just attach a magnetic strip to different color pom poms, give them a cookie sheet and they go to town.

  3. This is a favorite in our house. Once it is all “decorated” with pipe cleaners my son likes to put it on his head. He calls it his hat and will ask to “make da hat”. (he’s two)

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