Guest Post: Recipe Inspiration from Living Like the Kings

While Nick and I are spending time with our Peanut, I would like to introduce you to a few of my lovely blog friends.

I have so much in common with Kat from Living Like the Kings — from our love for cooking to our sometimes dorky day jobs. She is so genuine and always makes me laugh. And she has a little Peanut of her own! She’s stopped by today to share some of her favorite recipes — both of the adult and baby variety.

First and foremost, a big congrats to Emily and Nick on the arrival of their little Peanut! I’m thrilled to hear the new stories, but in the meantime, I am here to entertain you.

My name is Kat and I’m a blogger at Living Like the Kings, where you will always find entertaining stories (although, a warning – some of them might be about poop), a boat load of pictures, and an occasional recipe or two.

That’s actually, what I want to talk to you about today.

When I was in high school, my mommy made all my meals for me. I never cooked and rarely even bothered to pay attention when she did. In college, I continued on this trend, buying ready-to-eat meals rather than making my own. My specialty was macaroni and cheese which I perfected in the microwave.

When I moved out of college and into my own apartment, I decided it was probably a pretty good idea to start cooking. Jon, my then-roommate-now-husband, and I pulled our resources (aka, called our moms) and began experimenting with different recipes in the kitchen. Within a couple of years we started feeling pretty good about our cooking skills and began sharing some of them on the blog.

Here are a couple of my favorites:

Turkey Meatballs

Artichokes with garlic butter

Chicken enchiladas in a slow cooker

Inna’s amazing chili

But about seven and half months ago, our little Peanut graced us with her presence. And all our efforts and cooking has pretty much gone out the window. Instead, we’ve entered a new stage. The stage of baby food.

Making baby food for 4-6 months, storing and freezing

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of learning the art of pleasing my little chicken nugget. Yet, somehow, when I’m knee-deep in mushy pears or blended peaches, it’s hard to remember what it was like to cook a new and creative meal that didn’t require an immersion blender.

So here’s to the new stages in life and cooking that Emily and Nick are about to partake in!

2 thoughts on “Guest Post: Recipe Inspiration from Living Like the Kings

  1. YEAH!!!!!!!!!! The link to baby food making is just what I needed. I am trying to get organized so that I can spend an afternoon next week making baby boy’s food to last a while. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

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