Weeks 27 and 28 Photos

The boy is into everything these days. Our home is his obstacle course.

Which is why the gates are up! One at the top of the stairs and one at the bottom. (Cardinal gates with banister clamps, if you’re curious.)

But he’s also getting better at playing independently.

He wears himself out, and then does — what I believe is — the sweetest thing ever. He’s discovered his lovie!

And I’ve discovered cookie butter. In addition to Sam’s grahams, I’ve also had it on salty pretzels and apples and, of course, by the spoonful.

Home renovations continue. In fact, we spent part of my birthday at Lowe’s in search of a storm door.

Along with a desk for the office and pieces of wood — we had no room to spare.

And so while Nick was at work, and Sam was napping, I got out the power tools.

We’ve had to take a break from yard work because it has been way too hot. Perfect weather for popsicles, though.

And, oh, I am still dreaming of the dark chocolate creme brulee from Vallozzi’s.

3 thoughts on “Weeks 27 and 28 Photos

  1. I just looked at the cookie butter when we were at Trader Joe’s tonight, but didn’t end up getting it. It sounded so good I wasn’t sure I’d be able to resist eating it on everything in sight!

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