Friday Favorites: 3-6 Months
Three months have passed since my last favorite baby products post, and we have a new list of must-haves to share. First up — Sammy’s most significant development since three months old and possibly his current favorite activity — eating. EAT The space saver high chair from Fisher-Price is convenient if you have a small kitchen and dining room like... Read more

Bubble Up Enchiladas
If you’re on Pinterest, then I suspect you’ve seen a version of this recipe. Bubble up enchiladas. Bubble up pizza. Bubble up chicken pot pie. The approach is the same, and so easy. Combine and cook a filling of your choice, i.e. ground turkey with onions, black beans, corn, enchilada sauce, and tomato sauce. Then cut refrigerated biscuits into fourths... Read more
Tuesday Things: Easter Edition
1. What did Sammy find in his Easter basket on Sunday morning? Books, bubbles, and a few stuffed toys. 2. And for Mommy and Daddy? Chocolate peanut butter eggs, of course. Our favorite local candy shop serves the confections year round, but they’re bigger and better during Easter season. We polished off both boxes — no problem — by Sunday.... Read more
Photo a Day – Week 14
Happy Easter
You know I love a reason to take pictures of Sam. Enjoy our most recent photo shoot … and have a happy Easter weekend! Read more
Quinoa Salad with Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Spinach, and Cranberries
This simple dish is very similar to one of our favorites: roasted butternut squash orzo, which also includes spinach and cranberries. Serve it as an accompaniment to pork tenderloin or mustard-baked chicken, or on its own in a big bowl. Protein-rich quinoa, roasted sweet potatoes, tart cranberries, a splash of balsamic vinegar, and raw spinach that wilts from the warmth... Read more
Tuesday Things
Another Tuesday, another list. And, most likely, lots of photos of the little guy. We might as well start with one, right? 1. Sam had his six-month check-up yesterday. He weighed 15 pounds 10 ounces (10th percentile) and measured almost 26 inches long (25th percentile). Still our little Peanut! 2. Sam’s size has nothing to do with the amount of... Read more