Letter to Sam: Six Years
Dear Sam, Happy birthday to our silly, spirited, favorite buddy! You are fearless, imaginative, independent. You are an athlete, an engineer, an artist. A good... Read more
Dear Sam, Happy birthday to our silly, spirited, favorite buddy! You are fearless, imaginative, independent. You are an athlete, an engineer, an artist. A good... Read more
Dear Sam, FIVE! You have been anxious to turn five since some of your best buddies hit the milestone age during school last year. Five... Read more
Dear Sam, It was almost five years ago that we were anxiously awaiting your arrival. And, here we are, just days away from meeting your... Read more
Dear Sam, Always moving. Always asking questions. Always telling stories. Always making us laugh. You seek adventure and challenges and, sometimes, trouble. You are confident,... Read more
Dear Sam, Today you are 3.5! While Nora napped this afternoon, we played “minjas.” We put up the hoods on our sweatshirts, placed plastic tools... Read more
Dear Super Sam, You are our sweet, silly, spirited boy. You test our patience, endurance, and sanity on a regular basis. And you make us... Read more
Every day is a celebration in our house. There are costumes with homemade capes and winter gloves; neon necklaces and bracelets made of pipe cleaners... Read more
This face just looks like trouble. Rosy red cheeks from racing around the house. Chocolate on your mouth from the piece of candy you stole... Read more
This month brought so many changes. Most significantly, you are now a BIG BROTHER! You absolutely adore Nora and have been such a good helper.... Read more
Whew. Between facing the final weeks of pregnancy, prepping for a house full of holiday guests, and disciplining an increasingly opinionated toddler, December was an... Read more