Week 28


Best Moment: We set up the crib this week! The former guest room/office finally feels more like a nursery. Thanks to my dad (Poppy) for helping to assemble the crib and to my mom (Nana) and sister (Auntie) for helping to measure for curtains. Now we’re ready to order the fabrics and several prints from Etsy!

Symptoms: I had my glucose screening test this week. It’s sort of like a rite of passage for all pregnant women, isn’t it? Unfortunately, mine didn’t end with just 50 grams of bright orange beverage. I received a call later that day with news that my test results were slightly high (135 when my doctor prefers it to be under 130). And so I returned to the lab several days later for the three-hour glucose tolerance test. This time I had to fast for eight hours, then drink 100 grams of thick, sugary liquid (which was challenging for a girl who really dislikes soda and sweet fruit punches), and have my blood tested every hour. Four needles and two black-and-blue arms later, I was ready for a cinnamon crunch bagel. And I’m happy to report that I passed the test!

Cravings/Aversions: Watermelon and honeydew. I love summertime.

What I Miss: Sleeping through the night. I was doing so well during the second trimester. But, as I said last week, the third trimester has brought with it some significant changes. One of which is the need to use the bathroom several times during the night. And it’s getting more difficult to get myself out of bed, too. I can’t just sit up straight; I have to wiggle my legs out from under the Snoogle, then use my arms to push myself upright, swing my legs onto the floor, and finally stretch the cramps out of my calves before hobbling to the bathroom. It’s fun.

What I Can’t Wait For: To show off my belly bump next week to friends and family in Virginia and Alabama. Speaking of that belly bump …

Yes, I am definitely now undeniably pregnant. Everyone knows it, and almost everyone comments on it — from the sales clerk at the grocery store to the butcher to passersby on the street.

Milestones: Peanut is just over 2 1/4 lbs and 14 1/2 inches this week. He/she will continue to add fat to that little body in preparation for his/her entrance into the world in just 12 weeks!


Best Moment: According to the store we bought the crib, it takes a solid 2 hours to fully assemble it. Well, it took 3.5 hours (and 4 beers) for two grown men to assemble this one. (We were just being extra careful, of course, since it will soon hold precious cargo.)

I typically don’t care for directions, but I thought this task at least warranted a good look at them.

But we did it, and it looks beautiful!

8 thoughts on “Week 28

  1. I love your tank top! I am the same way getting out of bed. I have to put a serious effort into moving the right way to get myself up right. How exciting that your crib is assembled!

  2. You look great! I’m not looking forward to the glucose test. I’m 23 weeks today – so I guess it’s just around the corner for me!

  3. Well Nick you can be thankful that the crib came with instructions. While the kid will come fully assembled it doesn’t come with instructions, you’ll be on your own to figure everything out. You can get plenty of advice but at 2am when the little one is wailing and wife is crying you’ll just have to crawl out of bed put on a big smile and do what you can to make things better for the family. Then 2 hours later when everything is quiet and your 2 loves are sleeping soundly you can smile to yourself make a mental instruction note and with great pride say “life is great”! Now don’t expect the same treatment from your wife, you know if you even fart in the middle of the night she’ll smack you and tell you that if the baby wakes up it’s your problem and don’t expect her to lend a boob while you get it back to sleep….

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