My Man

(Written during the fall of 2006.) Intellectually stimulating, witty smart sense of humor, makes me laugh out loud, and values family above all else. Never ever smokes. Ambitious and adventurous and athletic. Compassionate and romantic and respectful. Attractive and affectionate. Values nature and doesn’t mind getting dirty. He can’t dress better than me or take longer to get ready than... Read more

Seattle Stories: Part 4

bartender: another round Sunday (6/25) What better way to start our final day in the Pacific Northwest than with a hearty breakfast of coffee, asparagus and spring onion omelettes, crab eggs benedict, and corn beef hash? After filling our bellies, we walked to the market. A turquoise ring, several Starbucks souvenirs, and a few pounds of cherries later … We... Read more

Seattle Stories: Part 3

eat drink and be merry saturday (6/23) The fourth and final member of the crew arrived late Friday night. We welcomed her to the Emerald City with scallops and salmon and Pyramid Hefeweizen. We opted out of anymore alcohol and chose, instead, to lounge in our PJs on the king-size bed for slumber party talk. Not even a city as... Read more

Seattle Stories: Part 2

for people who make websites thursday (6/21) and friday (6/22) If you would have told me three years ago that I’d laugh at jokes about PHP and Java and Ruby on Rails, I would have laughed at you. And yet I traveled across the country to meet and mingle with the world rock stars of the Web. Designers and developers... Read more

Seattle Stories: Part 1

an unlonely traveler wednesday (6/20) After flying over Lake Michigan, the Dakotas, Montana, and Idaho, I caught my first glimpse of the Evergreen State. The landscape seamlessly transformed itself from barren desert to rocky mountains to green valleys. And then there it was … Mount Rainier … The highest peak in the Cascades at 14,410 feet. It emerged from the... Read more

Blessed Busy Bee

I started this blog to keep the creative juices flowing. Unfortunately, the words have come in more of a trickle than a surge lately. I have at least four drafts waiting in line to be finished and published. But I’ve been occupied in other creative outlets: Graphic design for a community event, photography of family and friends and spring flowers.... Read more

No More Blonde Jokes

Who knew I had this color beneath the highlights? The highlights I’ve been getting since my sophomore year in high school. I decided recently that I’m tired of the maintenance. (My hairdresser scolded me last summer for going four months without a touch-up. But I was busy climbing into the Grand Canyon and camping on mountaintops and boogie-boarding in the... Read more

Waiting for a Permanent

I live in a transient town, at least for those of us in our 20s. There’s an ample supply of intoxicated undergrads, a lesser supply of educated grads and Ph.D.s, and a nonexistent supply of unattached young professionals. The population rises again with rooted families and retirees. So when does this place become a permanent one? Buying a home involves... Read more

A Pair of Jeans for Every Occasion

You know what I’m talking about, ladies. I have my lazy weekend lounging jeans that stretch like sweatpants. They’re soft and worn like the sheets I slept on as a little girl. The threads are so thin that they’re likely to separate at any moment. Some already have. Small tears near the corners of my back pockets, frayed foot holes,... Read more

30,000 and Counting

Ruby passed the 30,000 mile mark this week. (Ruby is a term of endearment for my 2004 ruby red Honda Civic.) Good time to reminisce. The Prizm was on its last leg, but probably could have handled a few more miles. But I was three months out of college and finally had a steady paycheck. The time had come to... Read more