Letter to Nora: Four Years
Dear Nora, You are artistic, imaginative, talkative, dramatic, silly, stubborn. A rule follower and a perfectionist. You are equal parts sweet and sass. You are... Read more
Dear Nora, You are artistic, imaginative, talkative, dramatic, silly, stubborn. A rule follower and a perfectionist. You are equal parts sweet and sass. You are... Read more
Dear Nora Kathryn, You are three! How can it be? You are sweet, silly, smart, sassy, spunky, stubborn. Affectionate, emotional. Creative, talkative, habitual. Demanding, dramatic,... Read more
Dear Nora, Your baby brother or sister is due to arrive any day. But before you’re promoted to “big sister” status, I want to remember... Read more
Dear Nora, You are smart and sassy. Independent and opinionated. Stubborn and sensitive. Silly and oh so sweet. You are a storyteller and an artist.... Read more
Dear Sweet Girl, I’m sorry that life has been too busy to allow time to write regular letters to you. But I’m not sorry that... Read more
Dear Nora, You are such a big girl! Maybe you seem more grown up because we have been moving you from one house to another... Read more
Dear Nora, You are no longer a baby. You are a feisty, opinionated, hilarious little kid. I can’t hardly handle it. And, yet, I love... Read more
Dear Sweet Nora Kathryn, Today is the day! You are ONE! Every day you seem less like a baby and more like a toddler. You... Read more
Dear Nora, You are 11 months old today! Though I’ve started to say “almost one” when someone asks your age. Almost ONE? Really? How did... Read more
Little Miss Nora, We are fast approaching your first birthday. And I’m not really sure how to feel about that. Every day you seem less... Read more