Busy Bees

This week is a busy one. From birthing classes and breastfeeding classes to our maternity photo shoot, everything these days seems to revolve around preparation for our little Peanut. We have piles of itty bitty baby clothes to wash and hang, diapers to stack, and a pack ‘n play to assemble. We have a small collection of books that we’re slowly scanning, including Secrets of the Baby Whisperer and The Happiest Baby on the Block. We have pillow covers to sew, a freezer to stock, and car seats to install. Our to do list is four pages long, and we have less than six weeks until Peanut arrives. Don’t get me wrong, though, we’re enjoying every minute and getting more excited by the day!

It also helps to be surrounded by such wonderful family and friends. This past weekend, my mother and sister hosted a fabulous baby shower, and they didn’t miss a single detail. Here are a few photos from the special day, with many more to come.

Yes, I wore a pink dress. But I promise I’m not keeping any secrets! In fact, I’m wearing a blue dress to our shower this weekend.

Preggo friends and new mommies, at what point did you start to feel overwhelmed? How did you stay organized?

6 thoughts on “Busy Bees

  1. I can’t believe you are only 6 weeks away from meeting little Peanut!! It sounds like such a busy and exciting time for you both!

    Enjoy these final few weeks of prep…and can’t wait to see more pics from the showers! Love the cupcakes!!

  2. those are beautiful! And I think I felt overwhelmed around the time we decided we would even have kids. I’m a worrier like that. As for organized…oh boy. Don’t even get me started! I reorganize my house, chore list, budget, etc like 500 times a year because it stresses me out when it’s not “just so”. I guess what I’m saying is that I shouldn’t give any advice unless you enjoy feeling anxious about everything like I do…not that I enjoy it but I do it. ps- if it’s ANY consolation, all that worrying and stressing and prepping I did before Peanut was born was pretty much for nothing. lol.

  3. The shower details are beautiful! And you look fantastic in your pink dress. I have the same one, but sadly outgrew it quite a few weeks ago. 🙂

    I started to feel overwhelmed around 34 weeks and did the same thing you did – massive list making. I kept the list going on the iPad and was constantly updating it with new things and deleting what we had accomplished. We tried to tackle as many projects as we could each weekend and gave ourselves a break when possible during the week to keep from getting overwhelmed. After tackling the list for a while it finally started to dwindle and now we’re left twiddling our thumbs, waiting for our girl. I’m sure the same will be true for you and your peanut. Everything will get done and you’ll be ready to welcome him or her!

  4. Probably around the third trimester I started to feel the panic setting in. I made a lot of lists, read a lot of birth/pregnancy/baby books, and ate a lot of yummy food. Truth is, you can never really be prepared for the experience. Just try to take it as it comes and enjoy it as much as possible. And get as much sleep as you can now! (I know it’s tough being all uncomfortable with a bowling ball in your belly and all, but it’s your last chance for a while). As long as you have a place for the baby to sleep, diapers, and a outfits the rest doesn’t really matter!

  5. Such cute baby shower goodies 🙂 The overwhelming part to kids is the laundry! I have 3 but boys and they mess up so many clothes! I look crazy to others but without my scheduled laundry day I wouldn’t surrive!!! You just wait…your sweet bundle of joy will be going through so many clothes!!! But enjoy the ride 🙂

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