Week 31

31 weeks


Best Moment: We had our first childbirth class this week! Despite feeling a bit stressed by the time we arrived (we underestimated the time it would take to commute home from work, eat dinner, get downtown, and find the classroom in the hospital … oh, and we forgot our pillows), the class was worth it. The instructor reviewed standard anatomy — both mine and the baby’s — which may sound like a bore, but you’re likely to pay more attention when she’s describing how an 8-pound infant can fit through such a small hole. Know what though? It still sounds nearly impossible to me.

Symptoms: Hello, heat wave! We had multiple days this week where temperatures reached the triple digits, and I believe it feels at least 10 degrees hotter when you’re pregnant. It was so hot, in fact, that I could barely make it around the block on our regular evening walks. Although this could also be due to the fact that I’m carrying around 24 extra pounds. Speaking of weight gain, I swear the floors now creak when I walk across them. It startles me every time.

31 weeks pregnant

Despite my continuously expanding waistline, it’s worth it when I feel Peanut moving around inside of me. And that is happening VERY often these days! We’re at the point now that we can see jolts from the outside, and I swear we saw a footprint one night. It seemed to be about 2 inches long, and I can’t wait to tickle those piggies in real life!

Cravings: Pizza and pasta. So we went to our favorite Italian joint in State College: Faccia Luna.

What I Miss: Speaking of that Italian dinner, I think I’m going to miss date nights when Peanut is here. Which is why we’re going to plan one every week between now and his/her arrival.

What I Can’t Wait For: I may say that I’m going to miss date nights, but you know what I can’t wait for? To cuddle on the couch with my husband and our sweet baby. Before that, though, I can’t wait to finish nursery. And we made a lot of progress this weekend! Here’s a sneak peek of the curtains that we made:

Milestones: Peanut now measures about 16 inches long and weighs almost 3 1/2 pounds. And apparently he/she is heading into another growth spurt! Guess I better get used to those creaky floorboards.


Sounds like someone is starting the nesting phase … Emily.

So I decided to mix things up in this week’s blog post. Instead of words, I will convey my perspective through a picture montage. Can you guess which picture represents the best moment, symptoms, cravings, etc?

8 thoughts on “Week 31

  1. I keep thinking that I see my belly moving out of the corner of my eye! It’s so weird and so amazing. I wish I knew what my little baby was doing in there.

    And, you look amazing!

  2. I adore Faccia Luna. Every time I pass their second location on my way into work in the morning, I start to drool.

    You look great; I can’t believe how fast time is passing. Won’t be long now!

  3. First off, date nights can still happen! With or without baby. We went to a fairly nice restaurant tonight, and Robby was perfect. And only 9 weeks. So, don’t think it’s gone forever.

    Next, our anniversary? May 22. Robby’s birthday? May 23. We celebrated our anniversary on both May 20 and 21 because I thought he was coming soon (even though my due date was the 27th). Sure enough. In labor right after dinner on the 21st. So…definitely a good idea to go on the early dates while you can.

  4. Ah, the childbirth class. Nick, you are going to find that most of the information is for Emily. They don’t give you the “real” information you need, like can you drive over the speed limit getting to the hospital or can you park in the handicap spot at the hospital. Well lucky for you I am here to give you proper advice. Speaking from experience (of course it took 3 kids to get this right) I have the 10 things to NOT say in the delivery room.

    1. Man this chair is really uncomfortable.
    2. How long do you think it’ll take to get your figure back?
    3. How long do you think it’ll be before we have another child?
    4. Do you think we’re really ready to be parents?
    5. Do you think we picked the right names?
    6. That last nurse was really cute.
    7. Here comes another contraction.
    8. Do the contractions hurt?
    9. Well it looks like this is gonna take a while, do you mind if I go get something to eat.
    10.Do you know the couple in the next room came in an hour ago and already had their baby.

    I’m convinced that during the birthing process a woman has new memory brain cells created and while she may say she doesn’t remember the pain of child birth she’ll always remember the dumb things us guys say. So give it some thought before you speak but don’t worry about it too much, I’m sure you’ll add a #11 to the list at some point. Remember, grab the suit case, drive with both hands on the wheel and both eyes on the road and speak calmly (turn the radio on and sing through the contractions). It will be one of the most amazing experiences of your life.

  5. HOLD IT! Nick sews?! AMAZING. On another note- I loved the birthing classes too, although I still (even now) don’t really understand how it is that someone so small (me and you) can give birth to a whole big baby. I guess maybe we would know if we didn’t spend half the class laughing at all the words (hehehehehehehehe boobies hehehehehe) and the other half making fart jokes.

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