I know it was my idea because it’s something I’ve always wanted to do. “Let’s run a half marathon before we get married,” I suggested to Nick. I can’t say it was met with incredible enthusiasm. Nick ran the Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon in Virginia Beach a few years ago, and when he completed it, he told himself he would never do it again. But then I came along.
{Doesn’t he look like a runner?! This was taken before a 5K he ran just a few months before we met.}
I must admit that I’ve enjoyed the peacefulness of running recently. (Peaceful running — is that an oxymoron?) I prefer to go right after work and use the time to clear my head of work assignments and take a break from wedding planning. Occasionally I tune in to my NikePlus to check my time, distance, and pace, but mostly I just let go.
Sometimes I push hard through hills and sometimes I sprint to the finish, but so far the training hasn’t been too terrible. (Although I did lose my big toenail last weekend, and I was told by the podiatrist that it could take between 9 and 12 months to grow back. Looks like I’ll be painting my skin for the wedding!)
I run three times each week, and Nick and I do our long distance run together on Sundays — we’re up to 7 miles this weekend! I’ve noticed a dramatic difference from where I started 7 weeks ago. (We’re on a 12-week training program.) And Nick has definitely improved, too. When we started he huffed and puffed and even got grumpy. He did NOT want to talk while we ran, and he did NOT want to hear motivating phrases from me, like “you can do it” or “keep it up.”
But during our run last weekend, he pointed out to me bird houses and tiki bars; he asked for updates from the NikePlus; and he even said “thank you” when I said “we’re almost finished!”
It’s such a feeling of accomplishment to finish a long run with Nick. I love that we work hard together to meet a common goal. And we always high five and hug, no matter how sweaty and stinky we are.
The Double Creek Half Marathon is in Dover (how convenient that my family can come cheer us on!) on Saturday, June 20th. It’s 10 weeks before the wedding, and I promise not to dress like this:

I am pulling for you! I am really trying to get to the point where I like running. The problem is that I like brownies a little bit more 🙂
My fiance and I are runners too! And I love using my NikePlus to track my runs. He wants to do a half marathon the weekend after our wedding! YEAH, we’ll see about that…